Monday, November 30, 2015

Kitty's Style Rules:

  As someone with little use for fashion "rules," this cracked me up. It was shared with me earlier today and I just glanced at the title not realizing it was a joke, speculating as to why someone would share THAT with ME before I looked closer. And happy!
 Whenever I used to read one of those "Don'ts" lists I would get little sad. Because usually there's some alleged fashion horror on those lists that perfectly describes something I loved. Every flippin' time. If you're over 30 you can't wear shimmery makeup, if you're over 35 you can't wear liquid eyeliner, never dress head to toe in vintage, blah blah, crap, whatever. Then one day I realized something. If I'm over 25 or 30 or 35 or whatever other arbitrary cut-off age some fashion writer chooses for one of these lists, then I'm pretty squarely in the realm of adulthood, where, last time I checked, I get the privilege of dressing and grooming myself. Furthermore, as long as I'm not indecently exposing myself, offending everyone with in a block with my personal aroma, disobeying whatever dress code might apply to me at the time (such as work or school), or posing a danger to myself and others by sporting a live wasp shirt out-n-about, why does anyone else's opinion really matter.  And that's when I realized I can just ignore it.  
List by Molly Manglewood, to the best of my knowledge.

And here's my list...
1.Wear what makes you feel good.
2. Have fun. If it's not making you happy, what's the point?
3. Yeah, that's all actually, I just like odd numbers, so I wanted to put a #3 in the list.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Makeup All Over My Face! Retro Pin-Up Girl Foundation! Matte & Cheap!

Why all the exclamation points?! 
Because I've finally got a foundation routine I'm pretty happy with! 
Because I didn't pay more than $15 for a single product in this routine! 

This a super matte vintage foundation look that I use as the base for everything from classic 40's and  50's looks for reenacting to my everyday rockabilly punk looks to the more extreme psychobilly / goth inspired looks I do for going out 'n' about. Watch the video for all the details and products. If you have any questions leave me a comment down below and I shall happily answer as best I can. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Stars Wars LTD Edition Lipstick Review | The Force Gets Pretty

Star Wars lipsticks are here, the force is gettin' all prettied up! Here are the 3 I got -  shimmery gold, a slightly shimmery red, and a berry purple. Check out the video for all the fancy details!


Friday, November 13, 2015

Easy Punk Makeup Tutorial / Everyday Makeup GRWM


For this look, I used a teal eyeshadow, but that changes daily depending on my mood or what I'm wearing. The basics are the same, so just pop in whatever shade suits yer fancy!

Friday, November 6, 2015

DIY Color Correcting Concealer | Make Your Own Salmon Concealer

For this project I'm starting with a pink lipstick and a yellow color correcting concealer. I've chosen a dark neutral pink, it's actually not as red and cool as in the photo. There are a couple things to remember when choosing a lipstick for this if you want a usable product:

       - Use a matte or minimally shiny cream lipstick - absolutely no shimmer or gloss! 
       - Make sure the formula is similar to the concealer you want to tint. Oil-based with oil-based, and so on, or your concealer will separate. Test by mixing together a tiny amount of each; if the consistency looks creamy and even, carry on!
       - Go for a middle of the road, neutral pink tone. It's OK if it's bright, but you want to avoid extremely cool (violet, purple, lilac) or extremely warm (coral, orange) unless your endgame is brown or orange.

1. Once you select your color go ahead and slice off a little piece and place it in a small mixing bowl.

2. Next get your yellow corrector ; I just used the entire pan, since the yellow doesn't work for me as is anyway. 

3. Now you're ready to mix! Huzzah! Start by adding the lipstick a little at a time, mixing thoroughly as you go until you're happy with the shade. You can always add more, but you can't take it out, so take your time. I used a pickle fork.

4. I transfered the concealer back to the palette and using a toothpick, or something (it's not in the first photo and I don't remember!) I mixed it all some more to blend in any yellow left in the original pan. I stored the leftover lipstick for later use.

5. All done! Now I have salmon concealer ready to go in my color correcting concealer palette, a stash of DIY-project-designated lipstick, and I can still use the original tube just fine. Joy and abundance!
I'll be trying this concealer for you all to see, so be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for real video action!