Sunday, December 4, 2016

Inspirational Danzig

Falsely attributing anonymous and unknown quotes to Glenn Danzig. 
What could be more fun?

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Cabin Fever

So I'm basically at home 98% of the time. With tiny children. It's making me crazy . 
But at least the new Nekromantix album is out. It's not too shabby.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Monster Cereal Time!

I guess I'll let them have some. But really, it was supposed to be mine.
 hashtag gothabillymomproblems or something like that.

Edit: They got boo berries EVERYWHERE.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Guana Batz are good music!

Adventures in DIY Glitter: attempting a glittery gradient!

Used in order from left to right: One thin coat each of Sally Hansen Triple Shine in Making Waves and Fanta-Sea, one coat and a second coat on half the nail of  L.A. Colors Color Craze in Jewel Tone , and one coat Sally Hansen Big Smoky Top Coat in Smoky letting it dry thoroughly in between coats of course!

I think I see a little gradation in there, ha ha!  Sparkle sparkle!

Ignore that burn on my finger, please. Sparkle on, shiny kittens!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Cryptkeeper Five - Starlite Decay

Fake American Chinese Food

Part 1: Chinese Donuts

Because let's just start with dessert since we can.



This is so easy, you might think I'm making this up. I stumbled this when I saw the proprietor of a local Chinese takeout place at Kroger with a buggy full of canned biscuits. I mean full to the top, with nothing else. Hundreds of little cans of biscuits. So naturally I had to go straight home and Google the crap out of that. And that's how I learned that those little sugared "donuts" on the buffet are literally deep fried biscuits sprinkled with sugar. 

So really, this isn't even a recipe. Just get some canned biscuits, separate them cut each one in half, then deep fry it. Sprinkle with whatever sugary nonsense you want. It's deep fried biscuit dough, you're probably not going to mess it up too bad. That's pretty much it.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Just Listen to Music and Clean Your House.

Because your house is a flippin' mess, and the faster they play, the faster you clean....

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

This Thing I Drew and How It Happened

I wasn’t even thinking about the band when I started this, and then Jameson said something about the band, and I was all “what” and he was all “huh?” and I was all “what?!” and he was all "you know" and then I was all "oh yeah…." True story.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Fergie Wet 'n' Wild Lipstick - Black like my soul....

It's cheap.
 It has something to do with Fergie, I guess.
Basically it's just Wet 'n' Wild black lipstick.
 Here's the full review on YouTube below.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Apparently, I am an aberration. At least in terms of how my personal tastes and preferences line up with the particular demographic I occupy. I am a mother of two, I live in the suburbs (because it turns out it's really expensive or inconvenient to live in the "cool" neighborhoods when you have kids in our town), I am over 35 and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND 90% of what is marketed to me. Most of the stuff I AM interested in is not really marketed to my demographic, but that's a whole different kettle of fish guts. So just for funsies, here's a list of some things to which I just can't relate.

1. INTERNET MOMMY HUMOR. I know, I totally do. It's stressful and hard and you need to relax somehow. I get it, women like chocolate and wine and it would sometimes be nice if you're kids had a mute button and blah blah blah. Occasionally, I will snicker at one of these jokes, and once in an odd while I will really laugh, but these are usually ones sent to me by friends that share my sense of humor. Sure "Chardonnay Playdate" might sound all tongue-in-cheek: "we're bad! I mean not liquor and drugs bad, but still, ooooooh!!" The idea of a flippin' Chardonnay Playdate sounds like hell on earth to me. The last thing I want to do is get all tore up on box wine while my kids and someone else's kids draw on my walls with Gogurt.  Your child is crying for an arbitrary reason? Yeah, mine too, and it's funnier when it happens at your house and I don't get to see it.

2. HGTV. Unless you're going to make a house look like this or this, I'm not interested

3. FASHION ADVICE. Pieces every woman over 30 should own? Nah. Quick hairstyles for busy moms?  Pass. I could go on with this one all day, but the general rule for me is Does Not Apply.

4. ANYTHING RELATED TO A DIET OR EXERCISE PROGRAM. I'm not advocating sitting on the couch all day with an IV of ranch dressing hooked up to your gullet.I wish I had that kind of time. But I don't need help losing the baby weight either; I already lost it, and I didn't even try, really. And I didn't need a hot-pilates-kale-enema to do it. I'm not bragging. Really. All I essentially did was eat whatever my kids left on the plate reasonably and chase my babies around the house. Two kids under 4, that's my workout plan. And even if I hadn't lost it (which I didn't after my first) I would just, well, deal with it. Without pseudo-science and special pants.

5. PREPACKAGED SPIRITUAL GROWTH. I'm not against spiritual growth. I just don't think I'm going to find it on a 45 minute talk show or a GIF in my Facebook feed. Oprah is not my pastor.

6. TABLOID GOSSIP & CELEBRITY NEWS. I don't know who most of these people are, so why would I care what they do?

7. EROTIC SUPERNATURAL FICTION. I want to punch this genre in the face.

8. LILLY PULITZER. Lisa Frank for adults. And with that, I'll leave you with this unicorn and go whine elsewhere.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snow Day | Lexington, Kentucky 1/23/2016

Two days of cancelled work and no plow down this street anytime soon. Our grocery store ran out of bread and milk Thursday night. It's snowing in the Southeast, everyone panic!